Whisk and flip as residents compete in pancake competition
With large bowls at the ready and non-stick frying pans over medium heat, the pancake competition brought out the best bakers amongst the Arvida Lauriston Park community.
There was intense concentration as the residents poured, flipped and whisked ingredients before the all-important frying of each pancake.
Resident, Diana Taylor says there are secrets to creating the most delicious pancakes.
“Make sure you whisk the dry ingredients very well so you don’t get big lumps in your batter.”
The Attitude of Living Well – Eating Well competition saw residents compete in their respective households and supported by Wellness Partners as they waited to find out if their pancakes were the winner.
All three households within Arvida Lauriston Park scored ten out of ten for taste and texture. It was Redwood household though who edged out the competition in the category of presentation with heart shaped pancakes topped with fruits, maple syrup and cream.
Everyone was a winner in the end as they all got to enjoy delicious pancakes for morning tea.