Keeping our communities safe
COVID-19 Update - Tuesday 5 March 2024
Thank you very much for your cooperation in keeping our residents and teams safe. We have our latest COVID-19 guidance in the form of tables below for easy reference when visiting our communities throughout New Zealand.
Infections including COVID-19, influenza, RSV, and other respiratory illnesses can be transmitted easily and our priority is to identify them, limit their transmission, and ensure that residents who become unwell receive immediate appropriate care and support.
If you have any questions or concerns on our COVID-19 guidance, you’re welcome to contact us.
Independent / Retirement Communities
Residents living in Arvida independent communities
We encourage independent residents to undertake a RAT test if they have respiratory symptoms. |
If a resident tests positive for COVID-19 they should isolate for 5 days and check in with their health professional regarding treatment. |
Anyone may choose to wear a mask at any time. People who are isolating should wear a mask if they need to leave home within the isolation period. We encourage residents to wear a mask when they have any respiratory symptoms that may spread infection. |
Visitors entering Arvida independent communities
We encourage visitors to undertake a RAT test if they have respiratory symptoms. |
If a visitor tests positive for COVID-19 they should isolate for 5 days and check in with their health professional regarding treatment. |
Anyone may choose to wear a mask at any time. People who are isolating should wear a mask if they need to leave home within the isolation period. We encourage visitors to wear a mask when they have any respiratory symptoms that may spread infection. |
Care Centres
Residents in households with cases of COVID-19
Residents with respiratory symptoms |
Residents with respiratory symptoms should be RAT tested. |
Residents who test positive should be encouraged to isolate as much as possible. -Staying in room as much as possible for the isolation period (currently at least 5 days and depending on symptoms and risk). -Maintaining physical distancing between residents who have COVID-19 and those who do not within a household (such as separate dining spaces). |
Residents who test positive for COVID-19 should be encouraged to wear a mask when moving within shared areas of the household. |
Visitors in households with current cases of COVID-19
We encourage visitors to undertake a RAT test if they have respiratory symptoms. |
Visitors who test positive for COVID-19 are encouraged not to visit until the 5-day isolation period has ended (this should be extended if respiratory symptoms are still present). In exceptional circumstances (such as end of life) visitors with COVID-19 may be supported to visit residents in clearly defined areas (at the description of the clinical manager). |
All visitors MUST wear masks when visiting households in which staff or residents are COVID-19 positive. |
1Te Whatu Ora advice- Aged Care Providers (see reference to retirement villages) COVID-19: Aged care providers – Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand updated 4 March 2024
Any questions?
Our local community teams are the first point of contact with any urgent questions. For less urgent enquiries please contact us at [email protected]
General enquiries